Objecten archief (ongoing)

Obj. 026: Caldeira

Obj. 003: Voetsteen

Obj. 001: Zonnehoed

Obj. 005: Bloempotbodem

Obj. 012 t/m014

Obj. 002: Flessentoeter/hals
Obj. 028: Speelschaal (Untitled Game)

Well, hello Fuf!

20 min
Various materials, different sizes
Photo’s by Nori Xhofleer en Esra Westerburgen
Well, hello Fuf! is an interactive performance in which the audience gets a glimpse into my artistic process. The performance and the installation are built with artifacts from the black cabinet. In situ, I build an installation half-based on a script and half-based on improvisation. At some point, the audience participates in building and placing the objects.